Looking for commenters for our Admixture in the Americas target article
We will be submitting the Admixture in the Americas article (first part) to Mankind Quarterly as a target article. Therefore, we are looking for people to comment on it. We are looking for people with substantial knowledge regarding the question of ethnic/race and national differences in psychological traits, primarily cognitive ability, and socioeconomic outcomes. Especially welcome are serious critics, which are very hard to find.
Send me an email if you would like to be a commenter. I don't mean just oldschool academics. I intend to invite most prominent HBDers to submit a formal commentary paper to MQ.
"But Emil", you say, "isn't that a closed access journal, and you said you refuse to publish in those?"
Right you are. However, MQ allows us to post the PDFs elsewhere, e.g. ResearchGate, so this won't be a problem.