Paper: AGAINST PHILOSOPHY: WHY PHILOSOPHY GETS NO RESPECT; A TAXONOMY of philosophy & A REVIEW of the successes and failures of 20th Century academic philosophy & RECOMMENDATIONS for the educational re-engineering of academic philosophy departments (Z
[2019-11-06: updated the spelling]
This is a pretty odd paper. At first I was very critical of it. But its really a hard job to diagnosticize what is wrong with philosophy, exactly because philosophy is so many different things. It seems like a catch-all category of whatever didn't fit in other disciplines. There is some truth to this, which is why things like astrology are sometimes categorized as philosophy, but there are also clear subfields of philosophy, which have different things wrong with them. The author gives a reasonable first line, hatchet job at categorizing these and noting what is wrong with them. worth reading if one likes metaphilosophy.
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