The redundant use of "myself", "personally", and perhaps others
Here's a random example [source is this book]:
A database (DB) is simply a collection of data, placed into an arbitrary structured format. The most common DB is a relational database; tables are used to store the data and relationships can be defined between different tables. SQL (Structured Query Language) is the language used to work with most DBs. (SQL can either be pronounced as discrete letters "S-Q-L" or as a word "sequel". I personally use "sequel".)
Note the bolded word above. What meaning does it add to the sentence? Nothing. "I" already identifies who the person is - namely, the writer/speaker. Sometimes people do the same with "myself", random example from Google [Romans 9:3]:
For I could wish that I myself were cursed and cut off from Christ for the sake of my brothers, those of my own race,
Sometimes it gets extra annoying when both of them are used [from here]:
I myself personally like women with a nice bush and feel in the minority. So am I or what?
Tripple indication much? Yes, yes, i understand that this is used for emfasis. I just dont like redundancy. :( I do recall at least one structure where one cannot leave out "myself", and i dont just mean those where an object is needed and it happens to be the same as the subject which is "I". I think i stumbled upon a few of such cases, but i dont specifically recall them right now.