An argument against traditional monotheism
Merely a translation of the danish version here.
Translation keys
D:x = things
D:y = things
D:t = moments
One variable predicates
Ex = x exists
At = the world was created at time t
Two variable predicates
Cxy = x created y
Three variable predicates
Kxyt = x created y at time t
g = God
a = The world
n English Symbols Explanation 1 God exists. Eg Assumption for reductio 2 That God exists, logically implies that God created the world. Eg→Cga Premise 3 God created the world Cga 1, 2, MP 4 For all things and for all things, that a thing created another thing logically implies that there exists a moment such that that moment is before another moment at the first thing created the second thing at that other moment (∀x)(∀y)(Cxy⇒[(∃t)(t<t1∧Kxyt1)]) Premise 5 There exists a moment such that that moment is before another moment and God created the world at that other moment. (∃t)(t<t1∧Kgat1) 3, 4, MP 6 For all things there exists a moment such that that moment is before another moment and that thing created the world at that other moment, logically implies that there exists a moment such that that moment is before another moment and the world was created at the other moment. [(∀x)(∃t)(t<t1∧Kxat1)]→[(∃t)(t<t1∧At1)] Premise 7 It is not the case that there exists a moment such that that moment is before another moment and the world was created at that other moment. ¬[(∃t)(t<t1∧At1)] Premise 8 There exists a moment such that that moment is before another moment and the world was created at the other moment, and it is not the case that there exists a moment such that that moment is before another moment and the world was created at that other moment. [(∃t)(t<t1∧At1)]∧¬[(∃t)(t<t1∧At1)] 4, 5, conj. 9 It is not the case that God exists. ¬Eg 1-8, RAA
Some explanations to the premises
(2) is true when we are dealing with traditional monotheism. Traditional monotheism in the sense that there exists a God and God created the world. (4) is reasonable when one considers it. If something is created at a moment by something else, then the first thing did not exist immediately before it was created by the other thing. There is at least one moment before a thing was created by another thing where it did not exist. That is what “created by” means. (6) merely removes the creator so that the moment may be isolated. (7) since time is a part of space-time and that space-time did not exist before the world was created, then there wasn't a moment before the world was created. The world is here understood as the physical world in some sense that makes it possible that there is a non-physical world wherein God exists.