The main reason I think people should take a shitty part time job in high school is so they can get exposed to the proles and learn what it’s like.

I would also recommend jury duty, there is nothing like a jury of your peers to learn just who the hell your peers are.

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Jury duty isn't a thing you can do. I've received a single-digit number of summons over the course of my life.

In several of those cases, I responded that I was not within reasonable travel distance and couldn't serve. But in several, I checked in every day as directed and was told I was not needed. In one (1) of those cases, I was actually required to come in to the courthouse, where I was told that they were full and I wasn't needed.

There was also one case where I wasn't within travel distance but didn't hear about the summons in time and ended up accidentally ignoring it. There were no consequences to this, presumably because, like every other jury summons I've ever received, that one was fake too.

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Just move to a shitty city like Baltimore and they will call you in every year on the dot.

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"Since refugees only passed through these islands, our findings challenge both standard economic and cultural explanations of anti-immigrant sentiment and show that mere exposure suffices in generating lasting increases in hostility."

Call it the Martha's Vineyard effect. When Gov. DeSantis dumped a planeload of illegal aliens on the exclusive upscale island enclave - & Obama retreat - a couple of years ago it caused an uproar & they were quickly hustled off to the mainland to be assortatively processed.

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As a UK/Ireland resident I have lost count of the number of white female teachers having children by low class blacks and browns.

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Women are more educated and earn more than men in many of the big metro areas in the US. If they don't lower their standards, they won't find husbands. And most don't so the number of single childless women have been increasing.

Those that do marry, by definition, are marrying men less educated than them. I think that's the reason why assortative mating numbers are not as high as predicted.

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"Women are more educated and earn more than men in many of the big metro areas in the US."

Only if you use the term 'educated' loosely. Most of the 'studies' women major in are useless. Very few women graduate with degrees in STEM or other challenging courses.

A college degree doesn't mean one is educated, men or women, especially now.

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Agreed. Women go to universities to study bullshit subjects like music theory or journalism or social justice and rack up tons of debt. That's also the reason why IQs of university graduates have been going down.

All that doesn't change the fact that all studies like this uses years of education as a metric for how much assortative mating is going on though. We should be using IQ but that data is hard to come by.

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I mean, music theory is a real thing. You'll gain actual knowledge if you study it.

That knowledge will in most cases have very little practical value (with a major exception if you're a girl looking to increase your marriageability), but it's not fake.

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More education but not higher earning. Men earn more than women everywhere (exception amongst blacks).

The issue is that an un-credentialed man that earns more then a woman is still considered lower status by the woman.

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Agreed. AI will replace a lot of bullshit office jobs that women do in the workplace. Look at the insurance billing industry. It's like 80% women doing paperwork. They will be replaced.

The market has to punish women going into debt getting bullshit degrees like art history and journalism. Biden's actions that forgive college debt is not helping and is continuing to inflate their egos.

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"AI will replace a lot of bullshit office jobs"

Will it? My mom used to do stuff with punch cards decades ago that got replaced with the spreadsheet, and bullshit jobs increased. Email replaced millions of women typing and delivery memos, and bullshit jobs increased.

I suspect that like every other innovation AI will increase bullshit rather than decrease it. We aren't going to get 50% unemployment. The government will create new jobs, even more spurious than the current.

I actually know a lot about insurance billing and AI will defiantly increase the number of bullshit jobs. Lowering the cost of paperwork will increase the opportunities for medical coding (which increases revenue). There are also an almost infinite number of things the government can ask for when it has more data to work with.

Women are born to do bullshit jobs. They love them. Being told what to do! Arbitrary goals that you don't have to meet because they don't matter. It's fucking made for them. They will demand them whatever the technological frontier and the government will produce them.

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Anecdotally, women look for a husband, if private or public doesn't matter.

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"higher human capital parents have smaller families"

Perhaps it's worth acknowledging here that the marked increase in hominid cranial capacity over the course of pre-modern eons would presumably not have occurred if brainier individuals had not tended to produce more offspring surviving to sexual maturity.

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"Perhaps it's worth acknowledging here that the marked increase in hominid cranial capacity over the course of pre-modern eons would presumably not have occurred if brainier individuals had not tended to produce more offspring surviving to sexual maturity."

Agreed. But the big question is why hominin intelligence increased beyond what was necessary to survive.

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Female hypergamy put a premium on male wealth and status for purposes of mating, which favored reproduction by the more intelligent.

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Thanks for an interesting and, I believe, accurate analysis.

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