Gap closers
Ferguson, R. F. (1998). Can schools narrow the Black–White test score gap?.
Kober, N. (2001). It Takes More Than Testing: Closing the Achievement Gap. A Report of the Center on Education Policy.
Bainbridge, W. L., & Lasley, T. J. (2002). Demographics, diversity, and K-12 accountability: The challenge of closing the achievement gap. Education and Urban Society, 34(4), 422-437.
Thernstrom, A., & Thernstrom, S. (2004). No excuses: Closing the racial gap in learning. Simon and Schuster.
Wenglinsky, H. (2004). Closing the racial achievement gap: The role of reforming instructional practices. education policy analysis archives, 12, 64.
Murnane, R. J., Willett, J. B., Bub, K. L., McCartney, K., Hanushek, E., & Maynard, R. (2006). Understanding trends in the black-white achievement gaps during the first years of school. Brookings-Wharton papers on urban affairs, 97-135.
Closing the black-white achievement gap when schools remain segregated by race and income is extraordinarily difficult. To succeed, schools that serve concentrations of poor children must be staffed with skilled, experienced teachers who have learned to work together to provide large amounts of consistent, coordinated, high-quality instruction. Closing the gap is the greatest educational challenge facing the United States today.
Paige, R., & Witty, E. (2009). The black-white achievement gap: Why closing it is the greatest civil rights issue of our time. AMACOM Div American Mgmt Assn.
Ferguson, R., Stellar, A., Schools, B. C. P., & Morganton, N. C. (2010). Toward excellence with equity: An emerging vision for closing the achievement gap. Evidence-based Practice Articles, 56.
Jencks, C., & Phillips, M. (Eds.). (2011). The Black-White test score gap. Brookings Institution Press.
Blackford, K., & Khojasteh, J. (2013). Closing the achievement gap: Identifying strand score differences. American Journal of Educational Studies, 6(2), 5.
Webb, M., & Thomas, R. (2015, January). Teachers' Perceptions of Educators' and Students' Role in Closing the Achievement Gap. In National Forum of Teacher Education Journal (Vol. 25, No. 3).
An impossible educational challenge, sorry.