Since transexuals covers at least four different things (autogynephiles, very effeminate gay men, very butch dikes, and messed up emo girls) it would be useful to have IQ estimates for each group separately. I fear that it's specifically the autogynephiles who are the smart ones, and they are smarter than your estimate. In which case maybe AI apocalypse has already happened.
You really need to be upper class to identify as non-binary,i assume more ppl in elite colleges identify as non binary than those who couldn't afford and went straight to business,or just didn't do well in school but can still use OKcupid?10 points is a lot,but still there could be selection bias
Like some others have said, not all Troons are created equal. I would think that the very effeminate male-attracted ones are more baseline in intelligence. It is the "Autistic Transbians" who seem to permeate the STEM majors, just based on anecdotal evidence and the common meme of "programmer socks" and "trans boeing engineers". And like you said, back in 2015 there was a stronger effect due to nonbinary still being sort of an esoteric gender-theory thing. People who adopted the category of "nonbinary" often do it more as a display of ideology rather than anything else, but this group was probably more well-educated than the general population.
It's really a sight to behold. Trannies at my university basically strongarm the video game groups into exiling or at least censuring anyone who makes a minor transphobic joke. While most institutions go Women --> BLM --> Gay --> Troons, the gaming community is going straight to troons (and I guess gays are dragged along too) but focuses very little on any sort of racial or sexual virtue signaling.
It's because troons(and autophiles) proactively inserted themselves into gaming politics around 2010 and have persisted politically. Mind boggling as to why until you realize no one else would tolerate them/take them seriously. But they fit into the mad as hell 'war on boobies' feminism of freedom troupe as 'allies.'
Yep, it's really so terrible and agonizing having to play as ugly women in vidya now. Why do women feel so insecure about pretty women in a video game? They are so envious!
Anecdotally, the tranny on my team is a phenomenal developer. If you just listened to his voice, he would just sound like a very sharp but also very introverted male. Wondering if this was a case of a hgh IQ person getting stuck in his own thought bubbles and the extremely online culture and forgetting connections to his own biology.
Postmodernism, transhumanism, trans, progressivism and openness are related.
The basic notion is, one can abstract the parameters of existence into indefinite categorical dualisms and multiplisms until one can choose what parts or partitions to actualize into reality. A type of fuzzy logic.
By abandoning convention and pursuing imagination and creativity (i.e. pursuit of knowledge and power), one can overcome nature and choose one's destiny. That is the underlying axiom of this.
Anorexia is a psychological-induced disorder rather than derived ''appearance'' issue from physical ailments. A manifest of theoretical abstractions, or desired reality subduing reality. These mental ''diseases'' are all co-correlated. That's why everything is considered ''environmental'' or ''algorithmical'' or ''conceptual''. Evolution also derives the same premises of transformation as conditional and variable degree and longevity of selection/mutation effects from past environmental changes. Promotion of atheism, the rejection of an ''absolute'' or ''unique'' or permanent non-changing entity. Fabianism, etc.
Some of the Trad crowd have referred to it as "Techno-Gnosticism". Obviously, it is a far cry from actual gnosticism, but it sort of functions like it. "You are not your body, you're a brain in a flesh puppet. The ultimate salvation would be to get uploaded into a computer powered by hawking radiation from a Black Hole so you can escape your flesh prison".
It is all the same removal of external restrictions in order to free the abstract essence of an individual - their "soul," "consciousness," whatever. You could trace this thought back through Christianity, Platonism, Pythagoreans, and from there to Egyptian mystics, that the soul is somehow trapped in the material body. Gradually, we are freed from tradition, taboo, biology, and whatever comes next.
It seems like dysphoria is generally associated with higher iq.
Sex dysphoria and anorexia or size dysphoria are very similar in that it involves a radical clash of the internal and mental with the sensory. A desire to change the external body to satisfy an internal perceived need.
Unlike a normal person that knows it may not work or that benefits are limited. The dysmorphic person is compulsively obsessed.
I suspect the correlation between high IQ and atypical gender identity arises from high co-occurrence of high-functioning autism and autosexuality. The smaller effect for bisexuality on IQ might come from the same ultimate cause: autoheterosexuality (male autogynephilia and female autoandrophilia) often creates a sexual desire to play a cross-gender sex role with someone of the same sex, a phenomenon commonly called "meta-attraction". This means autosexuality is one of the causes of bisexuality, so it makes sense that bisexuals had slightly higher IQs which weren't as high as the IQ of the trans and nonbinary group.
They're nutcases. High IQ people can be nutcases. They just can't be so nutty that it interferes with their ability to take a simple, 14 question test.
Maybe it is a genetic correlation, like high-IQ Ashkenazis with Tay-Sachs, Gaucher's, Niemann-Pick, and Mucolipidosis Type IV and high-IQ Parsis with sperm motility, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, and breast cancer.
",,, you will probably have noticed that a lot of the trans and non-binary people seem to be quite bright. Indeed, that's one of the reasons they can cause so much trouble."
indeed, as shown in a prior post the Nazi defendants at the Nuremberg trials were also quite bright;; & trans activists too are often despotic & ruthlessly aggressive in a cause much troubling
This is fascinating. Interesting that the data (small sample, of course) points to the kind of person who tends to wrestle with ideas and concepts, but not necessarily reality. I think any stripe of trans (noted by another user in the comments) fits that, but for different root reasons, perhaps. But the through-line is fascination with ideas over reality - how else does someone "trans"cend their mere flesh to become at one with how they *think* about themselves, biology-be-damned.
I am fairly sanguine about the idea of transgenderism in general. But the specifics of the business-end of the activism are the problem to me. You want to be weird? You want to live your life unconventionally. Have at it. You want to, essentially, force me to call you normal? You want to rewrite reality? Give me a break. You want to be weird, be weird. If you want weird to be normal, fine. You want me to accept that your weird should be included in everyone else's definition of normal, well, piss off.
The stronger the processor, the more powerful the malware infecting it can be.
I said it in jest, but funnily enough the only type of malware I have personally encountered over the last decade were cryptocurrency miners running on CPUs. And corporations do try to monetize the LGBT community, and the said community often runs interference for the latest "product".
It would be very interesting to me if there was a sort of "narcissism profile" that could be established and to substitute the narcissism finds for the IQ, to see if there are any notable corellations.
But I'm unaware of such a test, nor does it seems objective if one exists.
In this vein, it may be more likely a variant of OCD, so many of them are either adhd, autistic, both or carry heavy traits for them. Even the women. these are often downstream of neurofibromatosis, fragile x, epilepsy and other mostly undesirable gene combinations.
Not sure if you're still watching this, but I'm curious to see if there's a correlation between g and kink. I think the old 'Would you rather...' answers: 'be tied up in bed/do the tying/avoid bondage altogether' would probably work for this. I think this would explain quite a bit about some of the weirder aspects of the last few decades.
The amount of trans in advanced graphics programming is actually crazy right now. Not the academic stuff so much but anything involving game engine implementation or graphics apis or drivers. I'm telling you it's like 70 percent trans now.
Since transexuals covers at least four different things (autogynephiles, very effeminate gay men, very butch dikes, and messed up emo girls) it would be useful to have IQ estimates for each group separately. I fear that it's specifically the autogynephiles who are the smart ones, and they are smarter than your estimate. In which case maybe AI apocalypse has already happened.
Don't have the sample sizes needed for this, as I wrote.
You really need to be upper class to identify as non-binary,i assume more ppl in elite colleges identify as non binary than those who couldn't afford and went straight to business,or just didn't do well in school but can still use OKcupid?10 points is a lot,but still there could be selection bias
Like some others have said, not all Troons are created equal. I would think that the very effeminate male-attracted ones are more baseline in intelligence. It is the "Autistic Transbians" who seem to permeate the STEM majors, just based on anecdotal evidence and the common meme of "programmer socks" and "trans boeing engineers". And like you said, back in 2015 there was a stronger effect due to nonbinary still being sort of an esoteric gender-theory thing. People who adopted the category of "nonbinary" often do it more as a display of ideology rather than anything else, but this group was probably more well-educated than the general population.
It's really a sight to behold. Trannies at my university basically strongarm the video game groups into exiling or at least censuring anyone who makes a minor transphobic joke. While most institutions go Women --> BLM --> Gay --> Troons, the gaming community is going straight to troons (and I guess gays are dragged along too) but focuses very little on any sort of racial or sexual virtue signaling.
It's because troons(and autophiles) proactively inserted themselves into gaming politics around 2010 and have persisted politically. Mind boggling as to why until you realize no one else would tolerate them/take them seriously. But they fit into the mad as hell 'war on boobies' feminism of freedom troupe as 'allies.'
fkrs all of them.
Yep, it's really so terrible and agonizing having to play as ugly women in vidya now. Why do women feel so insecure about pretty women in a video game? They are so envious!
Anecdotally, the tranny on my team is a phenomenal developer. If you just listened to his voice, he would just sound like a very sharp but also very introverted male. Wondering if this was a case of a hgh IQ person getting stuck in his own thought bubbles and the extremely online culture and forgetting connections to his own biology.
Postmodernism, transhumanism, trans, progressivism and openness are related.
The basic notion is, one can abstract the parameters of existence into indefinite categorical dualisms and multiplisms until one can choose what parts or partitions to actualize into reality. A type of fuzzy logic.
By abandoning convention and pursuing imagination and creativity (i.e. pursuit of knowledge and power), one can overcome nature and choose one's destiny. That is the underlying axiom of this.
Anorexia is a psychological-induced disorder rather than derived ''appearance'' issue from physical ailments. A manifest of theoretical abstractions, or desired reality subduing reality. These mental ''diseases'' are all co-correlated. That's why everything is considered ''environmental'' or ''algorithmical'' or ''conceptual''. Evolution also derives the same premises of transformation as conditional and variable degree and longevity of selection/mutation effects from past environmental changes. Promotion of atheism, the rejection of an ''absolute'' or ''unique'' or permanent non-changing entity. Fabianism, etc.
Some of the Trad crowd have referred to it as "Techno-Gnosticism". Obviously, it is a far cry from actual gnosticism, but it sort of functions like it. "You are not your body, you're a brain in a flesh puppet. The ultimate salvation would be to get uploaded into a computer powered by hawking radiation from a Black Hole so you can escape your flesh prison".
It is all the same removal of external restrictions in order to free the abstract essence of an individual - their "soul," "consciousness," whatever. You could trace this thought back through Christianity, Platonism, Pythagoreans, and from there to Egyptian mystics, that the soul is somehow trapped in the material body. Gradually, we are freed from tradition, taboo, biology, and whatever comes next.
It seems like dysphoria is generally associated with higher iq.
Sex dysphoria and anorexia or size dysphoria are very similar in that it involves a radical clash of the internal and mental with the sensory. A desire to change the external body to satisfy an internal perceived need.
Unlike a normal person that knows it may not work or that benefits are limited. The dysmorphic person is compulsively obsessed.
I suspect the correlation between high IQ and atypical gender identity arises from high co-occurrence of high-functioning autism and autosexuality. The smaller effect for bisexuality on IQ might come from the same ultimate cause: autoheterosexuality (male autogynephilia and female autoandrophilia) often creates a sexual desire to play a cross-gender sex role with someone of the same sex, a phenomenon commonly called "meta-attraction". This means autosexuality is one of the causes of bisexuality, so it makes sense that bisexuals had slightly higher IQs which weren't as high as the IQ of the trans and nonbinary group.
I find it shocking for people with high IQ to decide to go ahead and chop off their cocks. But I am just a spanish midwit.
They're nutcases. High IQ people can be nutcases. They just can't be so nutty that it interferes with their ability to take a simple, 14 question test.
Have you heard of court eunics? They like ran all of China from time to time amongst other places.
Your time to shine will come...just like Dani Carvajal ✨️!
Maybe it is a genetic correlation, like high-IQ Ashkenazis with Tay-Sachs, Gaucher's, Niemann-Pick, and Mucolipidosis Type IV and high-IQ Parsis with sperm motility, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, and breast cancer.
My guess is that the really high IQ types are biological males who decide they are female gender but want to be lesbians and date women.
In contrast, the very effeminate ladyboy types don't seem above average in intelligence.
I don't really have much of a clue about biological females who decide they are male gender. They have been growing rapidly in number since 2013.
",,, you will probably have noticed that a lot of the trans and non-binary people seem to be quite bright. Indeed, that's one of the reasons they can cause so much trouble."
indeed, as shown in a prior post the Nazi defendants at the Nuremberg trials were also quite bright;; & trans activists too are often despotic & ruthlessly aggressive in a cause much troubling
This is fascinating. Interesting that the data (small sample, of course) points to the kind of person who tends to wrestle with ideas and concepts, but not necessarily reality. I think any stripe of trans (noted by another user in the comments) fits that, but for different root reasons, perhaps. But the through-line is fascination with ideas over reality - how else does someone "trans"cend their mere flesh to become at one with how they *think* about themselves, biology-be-damned.
I am fairly sanguine about the idea of transgenderism in general. But the specifics of the business-end of the activism are the problem to me. You want to be weird? You want to live your life unconventionally. Have at it. You want to, essentially, force me to call you normal? You want to rewrite reality? Give me a break. You want to be weird, be weird. If you want weird to be normal, fine. You want me to accept that your weird should be included in everyone else's definition of normal, well, piss off.
The stronger the processor, the more powerful the malware infecting it can be.
I said it in jest, but funnily enough the only type of malware I have personally encountered over the last decade were cryptocurrency miners running on CPUs. And corporations do try to monetize the LGBT community, and the said community often runs interference for the latest "product".
Elite Human Capital 💯 flocks to gender non-binaries like moths 🦋 to an open flame. 🔥
It's literally all OVER for ciscels. ✅
PS. Why are gays dumber than straights here? This makes no sense. Are the smart gays all on Grindr?
"If you have been paying attention, you will probably have noticed that a lot of the trans and non-binary people seem to be quite bright."
It isn't always obvious.
Five of the fourteen questions are knowledge questions, not intelligence questions.
It would be very interesting to me if there was a sort of "narcissism profile" that could be established and to substitute the narcissism finds for the IQ, to see if there are any notable corellations.
But I'm unaware of such a test, nor does it seems objective if one exists.
In this vein, it may be more likely a variant of OCD, so many of them are either adhd, autistic, both or carry heavy traits for them. Even the women. these are often downstream of neurofibromatosis, fragile x, epilepsy and other mostly undesirable gene combinations.
Not sure if you're still watching this, but I'm curious to see if there's a correlation between g and kink. I think the old 'Would you rather...' answers: 'be tied up in bed/do the tying/avoid bondage altogether' would probably work for this. I think this would explain quite a bit about some of the weirder aspects of the last few decades.
The amount of trans in advanced graphics programming is actually crazy right now. Not the academic stuff so much but anything involving game engine implementation or graphics apis or drivers. I'm telling you it's like 70 percent trans now.