I think this is wrong. It’s like the sexbots will replace women argument, or AI will replace punditry.

People like the idea of seeing an actor or celebrity they know playing a role, the real life story about what the atmosphere on the set was like, or hearing about a director’s creative vision, etc. Celebrity culture is a huge part of movies and entertainment. It’s not simply about the finished product.

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I think in these kinds of (human reasons) vs. convenience, convenience always wins.

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This is not like buying a can opener. The “human reasons” are what it’s all about. Movies without celebrity culture aren’t movies.

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Mar 25, 2023·edited Mar 25, 2023

A lot of people appreciate a human touch though. Consider in NYC how much local art is purchased from untalented hipsters and horse-and-buggy rides taken through Central Park by tourists.

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Don't be too hasty. There will probably always be a market for art pieces developed by humans. Although AI-generated art, fiction, and film may be as even more entertaining than media generated by humans, I doubt there's nearly as much motivation to interpret the subtext of a work of artificial intelligence.

Myself, I'm not that much of a movie buff; I prefer the written word. But for me personally, more than half the fun of reading is getting a glimpse of the psyche that produced a story. This is true even when I read pulpy authors like Heinlein or Robert Howard. Diving into the work of those long dead in order to piece together their passions, their struggles, and their quirks may not be convenient, no - but convenience has never been what makes literature worthwhile.

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>People like the idea of seeing an actor or celebrity they know playing a role, the real life story about what the atmosphere on the set was like, or hearing about a director’s creative vision, etc.

What makes you think AIs won't be able to create that too ?

Why shouldn't there be AI celeb actors too, complete with AI generated gossip mags and associated nonsense ?

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yes, look at all those people who love various Japanese anime characters.

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I think it's less plausible that AI will replace Hollywood than AI replacing women so to speak, since young men already have substituted many relationships with porn etc. and AI would almost certainly do that better and cheaper for a wider range of preferences with greater interactivity. As for people liking to see a celebrity play a role, I think you would start to see people wanting to see a virtual celebrity play a role, something similar to vtuber content except without the human behind it, given the decentralised nature of AI content you could start to see fandoms around certain AI characters with many different people adding to a AI character's content/lore maybe in a way similar to SCP or meme culture, I think the same kind of psychological place celebrity culture occupies In people's minds can to a large extent be replaced by AI creations.

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Right on! People go to the movies to watch their favorite actor or actress. There are also a lot of fans of directors like Christopher Nolan or Clint Eastwood. AI can help writers generate ideas or polish a script or conceptualize scenes. A lot of human input is still needed.

I do agree with Emil that AI can replace a lot of "run of the mill" content on YouTube. Most of those "top 10 things to do in Bali/Cancun/etc" videos can be AI generated. Eventually AI will also put a lot of influencers out of a job. There are already some "AI influencers" out there. In time, you won't be able to tell who is real and who is not just by looking at photos or short videos.

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The most successful youtubers are the ones that are the more quirky or more creative ones. Things that computers can’t replicate.

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You would be surprised at how formulaic some are. Give it time, AI will replace even Mr.Beast.

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AI-generated professional-quality movies could accelerate the bifurcation of the movie industry. On the one hand, you will have the 100-million-dollar-budget Hollywood blockbusters with minimal artistic creativity, but high production values and star-studded acting talent. On the other hand, you will have cheaply-produced, one-man auteur flicks where all the technical production--camera work, music, special effects--is delegated to GPT-5.

This wouldn't be unprecedented. It's already happened to the video game industry to some extent. With the advent of cheap video-game-creating software, a game like Undertale can be created by one (highly talented) person like Toby Fox. But the big budget games haven't gone away. They have staying power due to being natural Schelling points: people want to play the same video games as their friends. Big studio developers can spend the most on marketing, creating an initial playerbase upon release which then sustains itself due to network effects.

The same thing could happen to movies. If you just want a solitary, enjoyable experience, then you could look at the top AI-generated content that matches your highly specific artistic and genre preferences. But if you want a movie that you can chat amically about with your coworkers, then the Hollywood blockbuster fits that role better.

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Mostly true BUT there will be cool animated AI movies that cool folk talk about. Movie watching, for later talking with friends, is far more asynchronous than same time CoD or LoL same-real time, with simultaneous talking.

Plus, looking at hundreds of Naruto manga-to-anime, AI making it easier for creative thinkers to share & spread their creations will reduce further the shared experience movie blockbusters.

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It already feels like they're being generated by AI lol

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Soon this blog will be generated by an AI. Train GPT-X on all the good HBD blogs, the good researchers' writings. Finally, will be able to post a blogpost a day!

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Was going to ask if you were already getting Bot help ( thought mostly not yet.)

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You notice they are getting more and more simple and somehow having more incoherent character motivations at the same time.

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"Teenage girls are becoming trans because they see mentally ill celebrities becoming trans and talking about how cool trans is. That won't last. There won't be any celebrities with AI made movies."

I don't see why it won't be much easier to produce multiple movies with trans protagonists. And I don't think there won't be any celebrities, even if more celebrities are AI-generated. Some will be more successful than others just like some cartoon heroes have been more successful than others. And in a sea of almost infinite content I think consumers will grasp engaging, familiar AI celebrities with relief. Even if the multiple superhero universes are running their course, they were as successful as they were for a reason.

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So far this is no where near happening to high quality films, and has already happened to franchise operations in Hollywood and streaming with decidedly non creative and form driven productions without any actual content.

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The “China Censorshi Explained” video is a gem, a real eye-opener - Thanks

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The paper you cite on human vs LLM creativity says that "9.4 percent of humans were more creative than the most creative GAI, GPT-4." Bach, ... , presumably, belong to that 9.4 per cent.

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It will never happen for the exact reasons the maker of the music video stated:

a. He had to tell the AI when to change the atmosphere to mirror the music changes

b. He had to change some of the lyrics because the AI couldn’t make sense of them otherwise.

c. He even had to assign beats at specific times! That seems like half the point of having a computer do it - so you don’t have to.

These are all things that take the imprecise and creative human brain to determine. Like all machine/computer/automation-driven tasks have ALWAYS shown - since the days of the luddites - they need Human Intelligence in order to provide acceptable finished products. They just take the drudgery out of the task.

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Movies? Entertainment? Who needs any of this crap? Cheap Dopamine hits provided via AI. Wowzers....

Conservatives don't need based movies generated via AI. Conservatives need to stop watching movies and return to the Amish.

Let me know when AI will take care of my Garden and Goats for me.

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That was fun! Tak! - Will be fun to watch, also early: "all James Bond movies redone with Daniel Craig" or even easier "all my fav porn now with Marilyn Monroe". Now for the nitpick: "Teenage girls are becoming trans because they see mentally ill celebrities becoming trans and talking about how cool trans is" - most trans-celebs I hear about are males going female. Plus the drag-queens. Also: most lesbian/trans celebs not really in the top (as "much" as say Siouxsie & The Banshees - two generations ago). I agree more with Bryan Caplan - https://betonit.substack.com/p/lgbt-explosion - "big environmental effects", sure. Just not Hollywood-celebs. Or even girls, mostly.

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But there is also anti-lgbt culture in world. It is impossible to avoid that. There is endless stereotypes in hollywood. Some movies/series/games are like masculinity or heterosexual relation propaganda. I dont think it is bad thing. But there is.

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This is going to be great. I will be able to train an AI to compose the kind of music I like. Start with a training set of my favorite pieces, and custom music composed (no-- not composed-- designed) for me, forever. And it will just keep getting better and better-- If it ever pumps out a piece I don't like I can downvote it; if it pumps out something exceptional I can upvote it, giving additional training data. Youtube or whoever comes up with this first is going to win massive market share, and, they will have no need to split the profits with anyone else either.

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This has always been my rebuttal to Scott Adams’s take on artificial creativity (sic). YOU are the one curating. You are still the intelligence telling the AI what is good and what isn’t.

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There is market economy in USA. Conservatives can already make their movies in there.

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What is your favourite hollywood products? What about lost, seinfeld or star wars?

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The pattern so far is that tech increases the winner take all aspect of the world and I think that will happen with ai as well.

As far as Hollywood goes I think this will play out with you being able to buy a movie and put your favorite celebrities in all the roles, The Matrix starring Tom Cruise and Denzel Washington or whatever. The same few celebs will be getting paid for more movies, but with a longer tail as well since you can put anyone including yourself in a movie the same way.

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So why would you put Tom Cruise and Denzel Washington in when it would be much cheaper to just put in you and your gf?

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