I have some more stuff on intelligence and music preferences. Once again, yes, intelligence is associated with preferring classical over rap:



I've seen contradictory evidence to what you posted suggesting that intelligence is negatively associated with liking "rebellious" music (grunge, heavy metal, punk, alternative, classic rock):


Intelligent people seem to prefer intrumental music over vocal music:



fast/melodic/instrumental music smarter:


sad music smarter:


Chimpanzees also prefer indian and african music to silence but prefer silence to Western music:


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Music preference is heavily dependent on mood and activity. I like opera and classical music, but not when I'm lifting weights at the gym.

A lot can be written about the IQs of musicians though. I work in an industry that has to deal with music labels. I can tell you that a lot of rappers and hip-hop artists cannot read sheet music. Because they can't read music, they can't play any musical instruments as well. If they do play something, it's by memorization; not actually reading the musical notes. Hip hop artists make music by singing and humming tunes. There's no formal composition or writing down the music (because they don't know how). This should be obvious given that written language was not invented in sub saharan Africa.

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The serious part mostly matches my perception. My impression is that the vast majority of people just listen to what people in their social circle listen to. So sampling someone's music taste to understand their personality just ends up being an attenuated proxy for their political affilition, geographic background, and social class. These things *do* correlate with personality and IQ (eg. rural people are lower IQ and tend to like country music--hence why the correlation pops up in the data), but I'm not sure if you learn too much new about someone that you couldn't have gleaned by other means.

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I feel like this research looking at genres and stuff is way too granular. What we need is a data set linking last.fm profiles to psychological attributes, so we can do regressions on what artists people listen to, how mainstream those artists are and so on and finally get scientific confirmation that people who listen to radio music are the worst.

On a personal level, Valravn are pretty OK.

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Yeah, there is some of this work. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1948550620923228

They get to about r = .30 for big5, using self-report 44 item measure of big5. Not exactly impressive, but surely better than nothing. No intelligence measure though.

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Here's my stroll through the genres (with YouTube links). This piece was published in The Critic earlier this year:


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Radio 10 60s&70s is my daily soundtrack. It is nearly non-stop and free.

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