The euphemisms keep piling on. We need to create a competition for the most amusing euphemism a reader can conjure up. Learning-adjusted years of education is already splendid but maybe we can do better. Here's what bing AI came up with using the prompt "Please come up with 10 euphemisms for intelligence that sound really vague and nonoffensive":
The euphemisms keep piling on. We need to create a competition for the most amusing euphemism a reader can conjure up. Learning-adjusted years of education is already splendid but maybe we can do better. Here's what bing AI came up with using the prompt "Please come up with 10 euphemisms for intelligence that sound really vague and nonoffensive":
Cerebral agility
Mental acuity
Cognitive prowess
Intellectual dexterity
Thoughtful navigation
Brainy spark
Mindful finesse
Wisdom whisperer
Insightful illumination
Enlightened perception
Excellent post. However, Gelman is a statistician who sometimes dabbles in political science, not an economist.
Right, he does sometimes publish in economics. I'll fix this.
Emil knows Gelman's work quite well, so I assume he was joking (though the joke sort of went over my head as well).