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I think I found the study that the coloured bar graph about penile response pertains too. Although it is rendered differently, the data matches up exactly. Note figure 1.


They were sorted by penile response, by terms of age attraction and gender, hence the symmetry between groups.

For heterosexuals:

1066 were classed as teleiophiles

761 as hebephiles

159 as pedophiles

For homosexuals:

96 were classed as teleiophiles

86 as hebephiles

110 as pedophiles

Most were sex offenders and many of the sources listed signified exposure to the judicial system, one non criminal source involved those who were referred by their physician due to their unsual sexual proclivity or ideation. So although it obviously is not a general sample, the disparity between groups is still quite striking. A more general sample would be interesting to see.

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