Suggestions on what write about: how much black-white crime gap would shrink if MAOA allele distribution in blacks matches whites. 1. naive 2. corrected for the fact that that blacks with "good" allele MAOA have higher white admixture than black with bad allele.

Regarding quoestionaire formal diagnoses of mental disease, there much less memetic but still widespread personality disrders and schizotypal disorder.

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Got a Sol wallet? I'll send you like a grand.

You should be advertising/marketing more. Now that you've upgraded your analytics capabilities, you're about the best HBD-psych guy regularly blogging. Lots of people would be interested in that.

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Monetizing this line of work is very tricky. Ideally you should get some wealthy benefactor in the shadows or have a day job.

Also, we have to start thinking about what is the point of all this: is it research/documentation or will there be some larger political/societal goal? Is that something we leave for our children’s children? Are we all just passing time agreeing on things?

There are now many right wing and liberal political parties in Europe that also agree that immigration has not worked, do they know the Emil’s, the Murray’s, the Lynn’s? I don’t think so.

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Survey question #3 is impossible to answer on a PC

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