Identifying specific genes and associated racial distribution is an informative direction. The racial admixture in American Hispanics made them an excellent choice for analysis.

Interesting that there is support for a negative effect for Native American ancestry. I had assumed the low test scores of Native Americans was due to impoverished lifestyle issues on the reservations. This means that higher average Asian IQs post-date population of the Americas from Asia and are relatively recent. Urban specialization and agriculture appeared in the Americas though perhaps not so pervasively. Was it demands/ benefits of those which spurred selection? Relative population density and latitude challenges? Something else? Curious.

Good article.

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Native Americans genetically separated from East Asians over 20,000 years ago, and then went through a severe bottleneck while migrating to the Americas that greatly reduced their genetic diversity relative to East Asians

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Now they have to use ancestry-ism as explanation for intelligence differences.

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What would you say to someone if he claimed that you’re more related to a random white person than your half-African child?

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If I flipped a coin 10 times and got 9 heads I would say there is something funny about the coin.

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"If, on the other hand, the causes of the racial gaps are the same as the causes between individuals within races, then the same genes will be found..."

perhaps resulting in a double-whammy of inter-racial on top of intra-group differences; & maybe at last someone can sort out whether there's really any genetic difference between Hispanics & Latinos, or if that's just a nomenclature thing

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