Sitemap - 2018 - Just Emil Kirkegaard Things

Admixture analysis and genetic causation: some quotes from the literature

Genetic evidence for historical polygyny -- Rushton vindicated?

It works in practice, but does it work in (my) theory?

You can't ignore gene-environment correlations when looking for gene-environment interactions

Sociologist's fallacy: origins of the term

Thomas Bouchard on pseudoanalysis

Peer review and innovation

Writings on ethics and politics of race and intelligence research

Suppressed Taylor Swift - Shake it off meme remix

Fertility of immigrant groups in Denmark by generation

Immigrant employment and wages by origin country/region, host country, sex, and generation

Pay gap reports from Sweden

Jelte Wicherts' lost stereotype threat study for African Americans

Asian Eyferth?

The mysterious PC1 ancestry component

How long do we need affirmative action?

Terman's belief in high heritability of intelligence: unwarranted confidence?

Reposting: The case for colonialism

Intelligence research -- persecuted by both Nazis and Communists

Animal cross-fostering, race and IQ, and the deductivist's fallacy

How large is the decline in migrants entering the EU?

Burt, Tizards and hereditarianism

Finnish survey of journalists' voting preferences (2012)

Tests of colorism in Pelotas (Brazil) sample for income, wealth and education outcomes

Data coder needed [job ad]

On the East Asian > White advantage on scholastic tests

The g factor and principal components regression

XYY supermales and violence

Do Republic professors hide their voting intentions?

School factors are not important: evidence from classroom separation studies

The intelligence of stereotypes

A note on sex difference in variation in attractiveness

Vertical cultural transfer effects -- plausible but mostly not real

Regression towards genetic set point: the case of MZ and DZ height in infancy/early childhood

Can IPCC predict the future? Testing the 1990 predictions

What replicates? Non-replicating studies from Camerer et al (2018) with commentary

Political quiz results

Data from NYT's "An Extremely Detailed Map of the 2016 Election"

Against melatonin

Replication crisis/decline effect in 1979

Gladwell, the threshold effect for IQ, and Jensen

Danish national IQ

Country level indicators of altruism

The original texts of the Eyferth study

Turkheimer strikes back! (but misses)

Ancestry effects in Brazil: economist approach with person names

Why is Eric Turkheimer so unreasonable about race and intelligence?

Lewontin's famous 1972 book chapter

Nobel prize winners are very unlikely to be religious

Null hypothesis testing for loadings in unit weighted factor analysis

The non-contributions of Robert Sternberg to ISIR

Review: Cognitive Capitalism (Heiner Rindermann)

Review: The Censor’s Hand (Carl E. Schneider)

Wanted: scientific immune system to identify weak studies getting lots of attention

Corvus intelligence

How to download ebooks from Library Genesis (libgen) for free

How to use Sci-hub to get academic papers for free

Intelligence and religiousness in OKCupid dataset

Q/A with Antonio Regalado for genomics

East Asian intelligence and UV radiation

Chomsky on postmodernism [repost]

Race gaps in brain size in the very young

How much should you trust IQ etc. information from The Guardian? Experts answer: not so much

The national IQ of Nepal

Comments on Fagan and Holland (2007)'s racial equality paper

Making better use of the scientific literature: large-scale automatic retrieval of data from published figures

Interview with me about the recent furor about the London conference

Standard deviation of total SAT scores: not simply the sum of the standard deviations of subtests