Sitemap - 2009 - Just Emil Kirkegaard Things
Some ideas about formalizing questions and answers
The Myth of Morality and carelessness
Kennethamy on the difference between human and person
Norman Swartz on realism about abstract objects
ACB on appealing to authority and a minimum level of understanding
Careful with that equivocation, Eugene!
Identity and personal identity
An argument against traditional monotheism
The analytic principle of questions
Primary truth bearers, none of them?
Quote: Archibald A. Hill (maybe)
Worth reading: Mark Twain, "The Awful German Language"
The principle of unique location
Infallible knowledge, the modal fallacy and modal collapse
Dialogue - Kennethamy and Emil
Beliefs as secondary truth bearers in a pluralistic proposition theory
Sentences as secondary truth bearers in a pluralistic proposition theory #2
A justification principle about logical implication
The sentence theory of truth bearers – the problem of ambiguity #2
Sentences as secondary truth bearers in a pluralistic proposition theory
The sentence theory of truth bearers - the problem of ambiguity
Psychological and epistemic certainty
“More desirable” and “less undesirable”
Stephen Law and Nigel Warburton's "Five Questions About Clarity"
Paul Ziff's Semantic Analysis and Onomatopoeia
Logical interpretation of subjects, the utterer and the utterance situation
New page: Constructing truth tables - Filling in the wff's
The current king of France, propositions, sentences, and missing subjects
Language, the modal fallacy and the symbolic representation of a conditional
The Present Progressive and “to see” etc.
The Present Progressive and time
Quote: Bertrand Russell, Problems of Philosophy
Using propositions as variables
Explicating epistemic possibility
Book review: Possible Worlds, Norman Swartz, Raymond Bradley, 1979
Download: Philosophical books en masse!
Re: Beliefs and probabilities 2
Re: Beliefs and probabilities 1
An appeal to skepticism about reasoning
Physical impossibility and ought implies can
The dispositional account of belief and an infinite number of beliefs
Torrentfreak article: "Independent Film Company Responds To BERR Consultation"
“But you don't know that you know that!”
Induction, deduction and the lack of justification
Book available: The Web of Belief
Valid arguments, contingent truths & forms
Truth tables and necessary truths
Quote of the day: Jake "Leaf" Greenleaf
Definition of 'a probability'
Language, truth makers and truth guides
Grammatical conjugation with verbs
Sound arguments and rationally convincing arguments
Stone-paradox – revised and explained
Induction and a probability formula
Some different deterministic theses
Worldviews and mistaken beliefs, a paradox
Meaning, propositions, category errors
Modal logic formalization, multiple kinds of possibilities
The recent controversy about Hume's Maxim against justified belief in miracles
"The War on Sharing: Why the FSF Cares About RIAA Lawsuits"
Belief, disbelief; agreement, disagreement
Why something rather than nothing? An argument for the necessity of a something-world
Motivation, reason, the impossible
A journey into possibility land
Contraries and contradictories
Swartz' "Philosophy as a Blood Sport"
Does a sound LPoE establish that god is impossible?
Atheism/Theism and Agnosticism - Definitions
The Onion: Are violent video games adequately preparing children for the apocalypse?
The universe is made of failium!
Tough modal logic formalization
JTB+ and the first person perspective
A quick argument for the principle of simplicity
Dangerous anti-sex addiction, DASA
Response to Cartesian's case for broad theism
Incomplete propositions, time parameters
The source of … and definitions
Knowledge as a kind of belief... maybe
Formal debate: third and last round