Sitemap - 2015 - Just Emil Kirkegaard Things

R: assign() inside nested functions

Intelligence 34 (2006): Climate and general intelligence, mini special issue

kirkegaard: conditional recoding with conditional_change()

Ethnic heterogeneity and tail effects

kirkegaard: GG_group_means(), easy plotting of group means using ggplot2

Transracial adoption meta-analysis: Van Ijzendoorn et al (2005)

kirkegaard: df_func()

Transracial adoption study: Odenstad et al (2008)

kirkegaard: df_add_delta()

Occupations, cognitive ability and stereotypes

Another political bias test

Cognitive ability and tattoos and piercings

Genomic autocorrelation of quantitative traits

Review: Quantitative Research in Linguistics: An Introduction

In favor of method diversity by the non-use of giants

Polygenic traits and the distribution of effect sizes: years of education from Rietveld et al (2013)

A general conspiracy theory factor

Empirical math, or how experiments can increase our confidence in mathematical conclusions despite access to formal proofs

Some methods for measuring and correcting for spatial autocorrelation

Email exchange with 'cognitive neuroscience researcher' Jayl Feynman

Researcher degrees of freedom as sensitivity analysis

Polygenic scores, genetic engineering, validity of GWAS results across major racial groups and the Piffer method

New working paper: Some methods for analyzing and correcting for spatial autocorrelation

A little update on the effects of exercise on depression and happiness

Crime by immigrant group by proportion of immigrants in the neighborhood in the Netherlands

The general religious factor among Muslims: a multi-level factor analysis

Rationality and bias test results

Web scraping with R using rvest & spatial autocorrelation

Betas and residualized variables / does non-g ability predict GPA?

Looking for commenters for our Admixture in the Americas target article

Sociology/political science journal?

Easy plotting of kmeans cluster analysis with ggplot2

William Shockley, verbal tilt and interpersonal sensitivity

Review of Metapedia's Race and Intelligence review

Converting a data.frame to a numerical matrix in R, not so easy!

Review: The Nurture Versus Biosocial Debate in Criminology: On the Origins of Criminal Behavior and Criminality

Tail effects in climate science and the pleasures of polymathy

What is Richard Lewontin most known for?

What exactly is age heaping and what use is it?

Can we make humans that are 1,000 SDs smarter than current humans?

Animal breeding, human breeding

Approximate string matching in R

How to do an S factor analysis

SNPs within and between populations

Getting free wifi forever in airports on Mint 17.1

The performance of African immigrants in Europe: Some Danish and Norwegian data

IQ and socioeconomic development across Regions of the UK: a reanalysis

A replication of the S factor among US states using a new and larger dataset

Interesting non-linear relationship between TV watching, age and reading comprehension

Traffic statistics per June 20th, 2015

How much does University of Aarhus spend a year on journals?

The general socioeconomic factor among Colombian departments

What is a good name? The S factor in Denmark at the name-level

An S factor among census tracts of Boston

The sibling control design

Tox, a decent alternative to Skype etc.

Installing an RStudio server on DigitalOcean

Why do persons from higher mean IQ populations do better even after selection?

Presentation for my talk for LCI15

Developers refuse to make it possible to disable automatic, forced date recognition in Libre Office

DMCA for Lewontin's fallacy (paper)

The S factor in Brazilian states

Finding mixed cases in exploratory factor analysis

Error handling in R is odd

Fixing FPS and mouse lag for Dungeon Keeper 2 on windows 8.1

Examining the S factor in Mexican states

Harvard SAT and IQ: How much regression towards the mean?

How exactly does one properly remove the effect of one variable? Residuals, partial correlation, multiple regression, semi-partial?

The general brain factor, working memory, parental income and education, and racial admixture

Transracial adoption study: Bruce et al (2009)

The S factor in the British Isles: A reanalysis of Lynn (1979)

Transracial adoption study: Stams et al, 2000

Transracial adoption study: Lindblad et al, 2003

Spearman's hypothesis on item-level data from Raven's Standard Progressive Matrices: A replication and extension

Pasting numbers with leading zeros into spreadsheet without losing the zeros

International differences in intelligence can be confusing: A commentary on Harrison et al (2015)

How to integrate Winnower, blog posts and ResearchGate?

Opinions about nuclear energy and global warming, and wordsum intelligence

Review: The Righteous Mind: Why Good People are Divided by Politics and Religion (Jonathan Haidt)

Attitude towards nuclear energy and correlates: educational attainment, gender, age, self-rated knowledge, experience, etc.

Freedom of expression and Facebook: Shall local FoE laws prevent Facebook from blocking content?

Automatic testing of all possible multiple regression models given a set of predictors

Measuring scientific knowledge: can we use questions that are denied by the religious?

Personality correlates of breadth vs. depth of research scholarship

S and G in Italian regions: Re-analysis of Lynn's data and new data

Examining the S factor in US states

Two very annoying statistical fallacies with p-values

The S factor in China

Understanding restriction of range with Shiny!

Indian states: G and S factors

Installing VIM in R on Mint 17

RCurl in R on Mint 17

Java, even worse than PHP!

PHP sucks

Simpler way to correct for restriction of range?

Magic pun

THC and driving: Causal modeling and statistical controls

Review: The Second Machine Age (Brynjolfsson & McAfee)

Review: Superintelligence (Nick Bostrom)

Review: What Intelligence Tests Miss: The Psychology of Rational Thought (Stanovich, 2009)

As AI improves, what is the long-term solution to spam?

Gender distribution of comedians over time

True bliss

Admixture in the Americas: Admixture among US Blacks and Hispanics and academic achievement

Sometimes doing elementary things in R is a pain

The personal Jensen coefficient, useful for detecting teaching to the test?

A general assortative mating factor?: An idea in need of a dataset

Predicting immigrant performance: Does inbreeding have incremental validity over IQ and Islam?

Scott O. Lilienfeld is a great researcher

Age differences in the WISC-IV has a positive Jensen coefficient, maybe

Review: Faking Science (Diederik Stapel)

Review: The Sports Gene (David Epstein)

Intelligence, income inequality and prison rates: It's complicated

Review: Race (John Baker)

Do different intelligence tests measure the same g?

Publication bias index by the author: a way to keep scientists honest?

The inconsistency of studies of gender differences in cognitive abilities: due to using different methods?