Sitemap - 2012 - Just Emil Kirkegaard Things
Review: How to start your own country (Erwin S. Strauss)
Review: The One World Schoolhouse (Salman Khan)
Proposal: A graphical tool to explore relationships between academic papers
Review: The g Factor (Arthur Jensen)
Paper: Intelligence and semen quality are positively correlated
Review: Fashionable Nonsense: Postmodern Intellectuals’ Abuse of Science (Alan Sokal, Jean Bricmont)
Negation in English and other languages (Otto Jespersen, 1917)
Ebook: The One World Schoolhouse - Salman Khan
The sad state of filosofy of science regarding IQ and race?
Spouses - which one is the smartest?
Interesting paper: Logic and Reasoning: do the facts matter? (Johan van Benthem)
Review: Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman! (Richard Feynmann)
Thoughts about Cypherpunks: Freedom and the Future of the Internet (Assange et al)
Ebook: The Blank Slate (Steven Pinker)
The low quality of psychology as a field, and how to improve science: reading material
Steven Weinberg: “Against Philosophy” (from “Dreams of a Final Theory”).
Paper: “Positive” Results Increase Down the Hierarchy of the Sciences
Foot Voting, Federalism, and Political Freedom (Ilya Somin)
Art Jensen's 1969 article: How Much Can We Boost IQ and Scholastic Achievement?
Another case of someone who intuited the modal fallacy early on?
A conversation about pseudoscience, psychoanalysis, clarity of language
Review of The 10000 year explosion (Gregory Cochran and Henry Harpending)
Review of Real Education (Charles Murray)
Review: Linguistics, an introduction (William McGregor)
Thoughts about Ashraf and Galor (2012)
Review of Let's End Our Literacy Crisis (Bob C. Cleckler)
Review: Particle Physics, A very short introduction (Frank Close)
Some quick notes about a more expressive quantification logic
"The naturalistic fallacy" as used in the science literature...
Review and thoughts about The g Factor (Christopher Brand, 1996)
Review of python book and some other thoughts
The redundant use of "myself", "personally", and perhaps others
Something about certainty, proofs in math, induction/abduction
An alternative way to calculate squares.. without using multiplication
Boldrin and Levine's new paper: The Case Against Patents (2012)
Some more stuff about KK-principle
Incomplete formal proof that the KK-principle is wrong
Estimating sex intelligence difference based on high-IQ samples?
Education, autodidactism, etc.: Another Wikipedia trip
Decent paper i read on nuclear power
Mining data from OKCupid: using OKC’s questions as an IQ-test
Learning - theory and practice
Some thoughts about the principle of compositionality
Another linguistics trip on Wiki
A small thing about enumerative induction #2
A small thing about enumerative induction
If u can read this, u can read anything...
Asimov, anti-intellectualism (more Wiki quotes)
Some quotes from Every Thing Must Go (Ladymann, Ross, and others)
Wikipedia on contraception, abortion, and everything in between!
Thoughts and comments: Is psychology a science? (Paul Lutus)
Quotes, links, comments 15-08-12
Thoughts and quotes: Against Intellectual Monopoly (Boldrin & Levine)
Quotes and thoughts: Deliberative Democracy and Political Ignorance (Ilya Somin)
DMCAs - its time to game the system
Review of Patent Failure (James Bessen & Michael J. Meurer)
Review of and thoughs about "Fooled by Randomness" (Nassim Nicholas Taleb)
Einstein on operationally defining and measuring simplicity
Wired: Alt Text: Cleaning Up the Olympics, Genetic-Engineering Style
I have been studying nuclear power...
Big Five's Openness to Experience and declicious correlations (yummy!)
More research is paving the way for gamete selection, not just embryo/zygote selection
Report: Copyright and Innovation: The Untold Story (Michael A. Carrier)
John Graham-Cunning on Charlges Babbage's machines, and other things
Razib Khan on blog culture and comments (again)
Review of Philosophy, a very short introduction
Review of 100+ (Sonia Arrison)
Ars Technica: WikiLeaks calls for donations, dares Visa/MasterCard to shut them down
Regarded Avaaz and the Peter Sunde petition
Wikipedia and criticism of evolutionary psychology
Pirate Bay proxy via Wordpress
Sign the petition for Peter Sunde!
Interesting paper on The Swedish Model with regards to prostitution
Zygote/embryo selection eugenics is nearing
Two reports about drug legislation that i read
Video: how do microwaves work?
So.. i stumbled upen some random feminist study... and decided to take a closer look
Some random things that i read recently+thoughts
Some Satoshi Kanazawa articles + thoughts
Thoughts about SEP's Vienna Circle + Logical Empiricism
Thoughts about "Why night owls are more intelligent"
Study: Simpler writing associated with judged intelligence and quality
Suggested reading material about intelligence research for newcomers
Keeping up to date with information and news with RSS feeds
Personality psychology, five factor model and online tests
Some Wikipedia links and remarks to them
Ebook collections, some links and thoughts
Geniuses, very high IQ people, science generalism
Men, attractiveness ratings and women who look like they are easy to get to bed
Chess and intellligence, how does it work?
Ebook: Fooled by Randomness (Nassim Nicholas Taleb)
Are u very smart and want a free genome sequencing?
Acceptance of evo psych claims and evolution - negative correlation?
Thoughts about: Criminology (11th ed., Siegel)
Reading material about: evidence-based policy
Some thoughts about Richard Lynn
A modal fallacy in linguistics
Thoughts about: A very short introduction to quantum theory (John Polkinghorne)
Ebook: Graham Priest - Introduction to non-classical logic
Regarding 'black studies' and the academic left's crazy political correctness
Thoughts re. Relativity, a very short introduction (Russell Stannard)
Fallibilism and noncontingent propositions, how to mix?
Review of The Case for Copyright Reform
Thoughts re. A very short introduction to The Elements (Philip Ball)
Re. Thinking in foreign language makes decisions more rational (Ars Technica)
Thoughts about: An Introduction to Language (Fromkin et al)
Models of the most recent common ancestor
Minimum virable human population size?
Sweden's crazy social experiment with gender
Thoughts about bogus and or pseudoscientific educational/intelligence theories
Thoughts about SEP's Naturalism
Review of: The Manipulated Man (by Esther Vilar)
The power of sexual selection: Asian eyelid surgery and other stuff women do
On being right and avoiding being wrong
Thoughts about the Sherlock series and other series with very clever protagonists
Methods for discovering which language is the hardest to learn
Quotes from Nyborg (ed.) The Scientific Study of Human Nature (
Proposal for a free, open source Magic the Gathering alternative to Magic Online
I want to get into philosophy, where do I start?
Quote: /lit/ anon on female writers
What the author meant, what the teacher tnhinks the author meant...
Quote from: Everyday Life as an Intelligence Test: Effects of Intelligence and Intelligence Context
Review of Jeffrey Dhywood's World War-D
Review of Psychology Applied to Modern Life: ADJUSTMENT IN THE 21ST CENTURY
Beneficial effects of expore to nature
Recent paper about democracy and self-assessment/Dunning-Kruger
Nationalism, patriotism - difference?
Vocab size of non-native english speakers by country
Very high IQ and drug use: a mystery?
Lawrence Summers speech which got him fired
Proposed method for estimating how much a person has read using an electronic library
Biesikl helmets, saefty and lors Britisk matematiker starter stort oprør mod dyre tidsskrifter
IQ (verbal and math) per university disiplin
Towards a logic of questions and answers
Quote from Alice in Wonderland: An X-Rated Musical Fantasy (1976)
Tenure, publish or perish etc.: reeding material
Inter-disiplinarines, polymathism and jeneralism
DOTA, HON, LOL, Demigod... AoS, DOTA-ish, MOBA, wat?: A konseptual jenre analysis
Sum interesting TED torks about energy
Graet reeding about herisy, open-miendednes, eksentrik thinking
Guardian: The US schools with their own police
Kimerik humans and the imune sistem
Proposal for a Wikipedia-based studi of adult actreses kognitiv abilitis